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Midlife Movement & Menopause Lifestyle RESET programme

If you are female, aged anywhere from early forties to mid-sixties then our 3 month RESET program is designed especially for you! We will help you unravel and mitigate the health chaos that can occur as we move through the stages of perimenopause, menopause and into post menopause.

Register for our next course below or contact for a private session

Pilates class
Pilates mat class

Do you want to turn around any of the following?

  • Improve Sleep: Learn to sleep all night again!

  • Improve Fitness & Strength

  • Reduce Weight

  • Increase Energy

  • Reduce Hot Flushes

  • Turn around Joint Pain 

  • Reduce Injuries 

  • Improve Gut Health & Bloating

  • Improve Bladder Control

  • Reduce Stress levels

  • Improve Anxiety and Mood

  • Take back control of your health again?

If you found yourself ticking a few boxes above, then I hope you will join me in our RESET program which runs over 12 weeks and includes 3 months Platinum Membership + 12 weeks online learning and support. Schedule a private and start your journey anytime that suits you.

We are NOT about quick fix transformations, gruelling work outs, bootcamps or unsustainable diets that have not been designed for midlife women! Behaviour change and forming new habits takes time. We all know that trying to change too much all at once when our lives are so busy is too overwhelming, which is why our programme runs over 12 weeks. 

Pilates Studio owner
Menopause coach

Studio Three Founder Viv Gallagher has teamed up with My Menopause Transformation (MyMT™) Founder, Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD). Wendy is a women’s healthy ageing researcher, specialising in the menopause transition, who has pulled together a variety of lifestyle solutions from various disciplines to untangle menopause symptoms. Meet Wendy here…

What’s included in our RESET Programme?


  • 3 month’s Platinum Membership at Studio Three: 1 x weekly Pilates Reformer session + unlimited group classes, (choose from Barre, Pilates Mat & Fusion, TRX & Stretch & Restore) or 2 x weekly Reformer sessions if these are better suited for you + unlimited access to our video on demand library for either option.

  • RESET Introduction and pre-screen session 

  • Your 12 week online guided programme: Choose from MyMT™ Transform Me (menopause specific weight loss and symptom reduction programme) or MyMT™ Circuit Breaker (for leaner women struggling with joint pain, low energy, poor sleep, anxiety & more) We have negotiated a fantastic deal for you as part of our RESET all-inclusive package.  

  • Coaching support via email, WhatsApp chat group & monthly in-studio workshops.


Complete our registration form and we will be in touch or call Viv on 021 2455441 for a chat.


What’s my investment?


We have put together a 3-month all-inclusive package price of  $1159 (monthly payment plan available on request) 

For those that already hold a membership or class pack we have a RESET Add on price of $359 for the 12 week course.


Investing in your health and wellbeing is the best investment you can ever make.

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